Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Sean knows better

It turns out Sean may have been right. It may be the case that a 30 mile trail run in 8 weeks was pushing my luck. Don't give up on me yet though. Just because he was right doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to listen.

My doubts stem from a trail run I attempted with Sean and Nige on Sunday. Running with others didn't allow my usual really slow start and I ended up suffering bad about 4 miles in. Real debilitating pain kicked in and I ended up barely able to walk down some of the hills. :o(
So I cut it short and ended up with 7 miles in 90 mins and pretty severe doubts. These werent helped when I had to walk down hills backwards the same night whilst walking Archie with Lisa. :oS

Monday morning was a world of pain but surprisingly it eased loads during the day, to the extent that I was able to do an easy 3 mile trail run Monday night. I've followed this up with a nice 6 mile trail run on Wednesday morning with little pain. Including walks that makes mileage of about 22 miles in 4 days, no reason for loads of confidence but a start at least. :o)

I mentioned the other day how podcast geekery is helping me get through the runs. I find it helps loads more than music and is making solo runs a real pleasure. It does however mark me down as a sad geek and has cost me a tenner in new apps so far.

Preferred pod cast list.

The talk show. (Apple geekery)
Appslappy. (App recommendations and reviews)
The engadget show. (General tech geekery)

Feel free to recommend others, my taste is pretty transparent.

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