Wednesday, 3 August 2011

First Post

So, inauspicious start.  Where to start on something like this?

Firstly, Hi. :o)
I'm Simon, and this blog will be mainly concerned about a pretty stupid challenge i've set for myself.  The plan is that i'm going to run a trail 30 miler in 8 weeks time when i'm only just coming back from an injury and have no real experience of running.

Sounds stupid i know and my mate Sean has wasted no time in telling me so.  He's right of course, it makes little sense but really how much of our everyday lives make sense anyway?  In my defence, whilst i am just (hopefully) finished being hurt and have no real running experience, i am at least moderately fit and have some experience of long bike events to fall back on when times get hard.

Sean also tells me that a sensible approach to increasing running mileage is to add 10% a week.  Taking into account a 4 mile starting base that puts me at, lets see... about 8.5 miles in 8 weeks time. :oS
Not so good...

But, i was always good at maths and with a bit of dodgy counting let's see what we can do.  Firstly, 4 miles is a low start, i managed a 7 mile trail run last weekend so that seems a more reasonable place to start.  Secondly, i am reasonably bike fit at the moment so i reckon i push out that 10% wekly improvement to say 12%?  Also, do i really need to get to the 30 before the event?  Adrenaline on the day will add a few miles i reckon.  So, let's have another go.

7x12% (compounded) = 17.3 miles

hmmm, maybe this will hurt then...

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